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Medicine and Civilization

I created an infographic depicting the relationship between major plagues in history and significant medical advances. I wanted to demonstrate the relationship between two opposing forces, and see if more destructive plagues hampered medical advances, or if adversity motivated greater growth.

First, I decided upon my target audience. They would likely be young adults at the youngest, and would at least have an interest in the subject if they didn't have any prior knowledge. 

After that, I gathered a large amount of research that I would use as the basis of my work, before designing multiple possible visualizations to incorporate into the infographic. I then designed the two most significant features of the work, termed "puzzle pieces," and put them in place on a full-size sketch. 

With a clear plan in place, I began numerous iterations of a unified digital work, adjusting color, placement, and hierarchy until I arrived at the final poster, seen here.

Click to enlarge any image.

Preliminary Information & Sketches

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces

Earlier Iterations

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